Sift Domains

Soft launch day

Rocket launch

Today is the day is launched! is starting life as a domain name price comparison tool to find the cheapest domain registrar for any given TLD.

Launching with 861 domain extensions and 12 registrars:

… with many more coming in the next few months.

Domain extension prices are automatically refreshed every few hours and promo codes are included when available.

The immediate roadmap includes things like:

  • Integrate more registrars
  • Registrars directory and profiles
  • JSON API to query prices
  • Domain name search & availability

Who’s behind

Hi, I’m Sam 👋

I like designing and building things for myself and others. I’m building to scratch my own itch of having a mini-suite of domain tools, starting with price comparison.

I can’t claim domain price comparison as an original idea. will be an alternative to existing tools already available.

We’ll just have to wait and see if the space is big enough to support another domain tool. I’ll be very happy if breaks even!

That’s all for now. See you in the next update.
